Over the years of playing league and rank I understand that there will be games where you have a troll or someone who can ruin the game for everyone. Riot has done a nice job to work towards curving this habit, but this post is to give out the idea of the next steps.
In ranked queues, people who Riot truly believes have intentionally leave, go AFK, or feeds should be further punished with loss of tier or even division. Then either roll back the game to the other 9 players, roll back loss of LP to the 4 who lost, and/or give people who lost series an additional chance.
When playing Ranked Queues and a player leaves, goes AFK, or intentionally feeds. The game quality diminishes and the results of the game causes the exchange of LP to occur as if it were a legitimate game. Usually causing people to become upset with the community, heighten fear of rank queuing, and non-accurate exchange of LP based on the game results.
How to Fix:
On investigation of games where Riot identifies a leaver, AFK, or other extreme cases against the summoners code, they should add further punishment than simple a X number of day bans for ranked games. The account should also be given deduction of rank status. Either of a tier or possibly a division.
Optional Additional Fixes:
Rolling back all 9 players who had been a part of the game. (Though this may be ill-advised due to the 5 who gain not wanting to lose the LP)
Rolling back the 4 people who lost LP. (This will at least make player not have fear of playing ranked and getting a teammate in these cases)
Restoring people that were in series and took a loss out of the series to be back into a new series.
In the cases of normal summoner rift games or other game types the x number of day bans is fine as the other people playing are only losing time. In the case of rank we still have the exchange of LP. To the 9 players that have to deal with a leaver, AFK, or other extreme cases they lose more because of this risk of LP exchange. The person who is ruining the game causes a rift where 5 people will increase LP and 4 losing LP that may not directly deserve it. To those 9 players they are now benefiting or negatively impacted by the 1 player which causes more risk playing in Ranked. The hope would be to further punish people in these cases to help combat them making these larger decisions. We have an example of this concept already in the form of queue dodging. Queue dodging is not as bad as people lose out of a few minutes and the person who dodged losses some LP/Series. It is mostly harmless overall. Though to the issue laid out above, throwing a game as more ramifications as people are losing more as they are losing more time, effort, and LP/series.
Riot needs to do more than a simple ban an account for X number of days when people ruin the game in ranked queues. It affects more people than just the one person who ruins the game. By giving further consequences for ranked queue the idea of leaving, going AFK, intentionally feeding in ranked will be more ill advised. Also, working with either the 4 or 9 other people affect by the game (via Optional Additional Fixes) the other players ranks will be more accurate to their abilities than the "luck of the draw" because of these bad cases.