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Twitch Affiliate Email

Updated: Jun 28, 2020

TLDR: You require all check marks in a stream summary to get the affiliate email. During a stream make sure the stream helps your avg viewer count for past 30 days and get a new follower during that stream.


Hello everyone! I have answered this question a few times in the past and thought it would be good to write up a guide. This question goes as far back as the affiliate program has existed and can be a bit confusing. I want to help clearly label out what the requirements are and how to help you all get affiliate. You may have heard that Twitch does the emails in batches which may be some what true, but below is the for sure way you will know how to get that sweet email. Achievements: Part-time, full-time, overtime - This one is simple and straight forward. Stream a total of 8 hours for the past 30 days. If you continue to stream for a few hours every week, you will hit this one easily Like clockwork - This is the other straight forward one. Stream for 7 unique days in the last 30 days. If you set a schedule up and follow it, you can hit this one as well alongside the one above. Who watches the watchers - This is where it starts to get confusing. Over the past 30 days you need to have an average of 3 viewers. This doesn't mean have a single stream with the average of 3 viewers, its all the streams combined over the last 30 days. You can view this information from your dashboard --> Stats --> Change 'Recent Stream' in the top left corner to 'Last 30 days'. So how does it work? Your stream captures 5 min increments of how many viewers you have. The average number over the day will be used. So if you stream for 10 mins at 1 viewer and another 10 mins at 3 viewers, the stream avg will be 2. Now take all the days you stream over the past 30 days and avg those numbers. Also round down! What is thy bidding? - Reach 50 followers. Straight forward right? Here is what is missed: After ever stream you get a stream summary, the biggest things about the summary is that you see the 'Path to Affiliate' section with check marks or dates. To truly get affiliate they need to be all check marks for a single stream. Meaning you previously have streamed over 8 hours, have 7 unique days, average of 3 viewers and 50+ followers. But wait there is more... People usually see a date for #3 & #4. This is due to the fact they have accomplished the task in the past but not with the current stream. You have to re-achieve them during a stream. For #3, you should look at your past 30-days and see what the average number is, then count out and see what avg viewer number you require to hit the avg of 3 for the past 30 days given another stream. For example, if your 30 day avg is 2. In that 30 days, you have have 3 days worth of 2 avg viewers, 2 days of 1 avg viewer, and 2 days worth of 3 avg viewers. Your next stream will require you to have an avg of 6 viewers to hit the achievement again in the stream. The other part is that you also need a new follower during a stream to recheck #4 in a stream. It also counts if you get a new follower off stream. I hope this helps explain things and answer some questions you may have. Feel free to comment below if I should add, edit, remove, or clarify anything.

For all Twitch Affiliate information you can go to


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